Ever find yourself with some money to spare, but with not a clue as to where to spend it on food?
My girlfriend, Robin, and I are often caught up in that dilemma. But these days whenever I need to find a great place to try, or a place to stay away from, I go over to Fudcourt to see what's new with the gang culinary exploits: http://www.fudcourt.com/index.html
With a such a selection of restaurants and pretty good photos of what's on the menu, I thought you might like to know about it, too!
And they're not just in the San Francisco Bay Area. They also have in field reporters all over the world!
Check 'em out. They're free, but you might want to support them with a purchase of one of their collectibles--the site is a labor of love, i.e. they don't get paid to do the great technical and critical job they do!
And if you're in the mood for GREAT Vietnamese food, check out the piece I did for them when I was a guest judge: http://www.fudcourt.com/newlois.html
Know of great place to eat? Contact them--perhaps you'll be invited to be guest judge, too!
Fudcourt--By the People, for the People!